Monday, April 13, 2015


Quote: "Jem wanted Dill to know once and for all that he wasn't scared of anything: 'It's just that I can't think of a way to make him come out without him gettin' us.' "Chapter 1(pg.17)

Analysis: The kids are talking about Boo Radley. They all are curious to see him and to find out his true character. Dill's character is very outgoing and is the most eager to do anything he can to see Boo. He dares Jem to walk up to the Radley house and smack the side of it and walk back. Jem is unsure if he wants to attempt such a dare. He feels that being scared of something is shameful. Jem's character is the type  to not express how he feels towards something.  Jem is close to himself and really does not like to tell others what he is feeling and also cares a lot for his pride.

There Was A Fire!

Last night, Scout and I were awoken by Atticus in the middle of the night. He wouldn't tell us why we were leaving the house until we left. We looked over Ms.Maudie's house and it was on fire. The fire expanded quickly and caught on to other houses. Atticus did not want Scout and I to be by the fire.He told us to wait my the Radley house. Scout and I were a little scared but we had to stay there so Atticus would not get mad. When we got back home, Scout noticed that someone had put a blanket on her. It was not ours...we both thought it was Boo Radley! UGHHH! I'm so mad at myself. If I had just turned to when Boo put the blanket on her, I could of seen him! This is so frustrating. I was so close to seeing him, but of course I screwed up my chances.I would of been the first to see him in years!

R.I.P Mrs.Dubose

In my town, Mrs. Dubose is one of the meanest ladies ever.She would always torment Scout and I. There was this one afternoon where I lashed out on Mrs.Dubose. This is because she was disrespecting Atticus and called him  "nigger lover" because Atticus defends colored clients. I raged and destroyed all her camellias. Atticus found out and as my punishment I had to read to her everyday. It was pretty boring because it was just me reading to and old sick lady. I read to her for a while and she would always correct me. A few days later Mrs.Dubose died. Atticus had told me that she was a morphine addict causing her to be ill. Atticus comes home with a box and it had a white camellia in it. Atticus told me that It was a way for her to tell me that everything is going to be okay.I was pretty upset that she died and felt bad for disrespecting her. It was not right for me to destroy her flowers. Now that I think about it I should of thought before I acted.

Scout's Takeover

Hey! It's me Scout, Jem's little sister. I'm proud to say my father Atticus is awesome. Recently my dad shot a dog.He had perfect aim!I was so astonished that he was capable of doing that! YES, I cant wait to go to school and brag about how cool my dad is. Cecil Jacobs will shut up now! Oh, by the way Cecil is so annoying and I will beat him up everyday if I have to.I'm just glad that Jem and I were able witness Atticus with a gun. Even though the dog is dead, I want to thank it for letting my brother and I to know that my dad is old but is as strong as a bull.

Woah...My Dad is Cool !? I was able to get a new air rifle!I was so excited when I go this and asked Atticus if he can teach us how to shoot but, "shockingly" he refused. I decided for Scout and I to go out but, I saw a a mad dog barking and running down the street. It was so loud and looked crazy. Calpurnia was the one that told Atticus that a psychotic dog was on our block. He came out our house like a superhero. He took a rifle ans shot the dog spot on. My mouth literally dropped when I saw my father shoot. Whoa my dad isn't an old dude, he can do some cool things. I really admire Atticus that he was able to do this ,but how come he hid his talent from us?

I Have To Go Back

I'm feel so confused and shocked at this point of my life. Yesterday I decided to get my pants back from the Radley house. I left home at night and I had Scout as my lookout. I ran, disentangled my pants from the gate and ran home as fast as I could. When I got my pants back my rip in my jeans were sewed back together. I didn't tell Scout because I wouldn't want o scare her. I kept on wondering if it was Boo. My thoughts became tears because I was so scared.This had scarred me for a week and I haven't spoken to anyone.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

I Lost My Mind

Dill and I were always the ones to plan out ways to see Boo Radley. We decided to give him a note and leave it by his back window. We agreed to give the note during the evening, and Scout tagged along.We made our way to their house by the back gate  and as I went up the steps they started to squeal. I tried to reach the back window but I saw someone and heard footsteps. Dill, Scout and I ran back home as fast as we could.As I was running I realized my pants were gone and were attached to the back gate. I really didn't care for them at the time because my life is way more important.I am so thankful I made it alive, but I was so close to seeing Boo Radley.My heart literally dropped to my stomach!